So many little things happened this week which I think put me in the running for, "Mom of the Year" NOT! As I sit back in my over sized chair, take in a deep breath and ponder the thought of how nice a big glass of red wine would be at this moment I realize hey, it's Friday and I survived and so did my kids! I missed my 6 year old's first performance of his school career, my 2 year old unfastened the seat belt which holds in his car seat and flipped forward as I was driving down hwy 412. I forgot to send my 9 year old to school with sunscreen on her field day so she got burnt to a crisp and missed her Merit trip to the city pool the next day.
Being a mom is a dadgum hard job! I think instead of deciding on Obama or Clinton, I will vote for whoever will pay us moms to do the jobs that we do everyday, day in and day out and for the most part do it with a half smile on our faces! OK I have done my cyber venting for the night. My daughter is waiting for me to rearrange her bedroom. Boy did I make some deals with her today as she called me 50 times during the day sobbing to me. I was the worst mom in the world today. How dare I not let her go swimming with sun blisters on her ears. Oh the nerve of me! Just can't wait for these little punks to become teenagers! I shiver at the stories I will have then!
By the way I will be writing about why you should never do cartwheels in the house in the next day or so so stay tuned!!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Having a Monday on a Tuesday
The Tuesday after Memorial day is just like a Monday. It is for me every year. This year I thought it would be easier because we didn't do our usual Memorial Weekend camp out. This year all of us opted to stay indoors due to fighting the torrential down pours of last Memorial weekend. What was so different about this year? I am working out of the home so 5:45 came very early for me this morning. Things went pretty smooth for me until I got to Landon's daycare. As I was saying goodbye and prying him off my leg, I somehow managed to wrap my leg around a highchair and trip myself. I fell towards the door and almost smashed into an incoming parent. I was mortified. I laughed it off and did my best to maintain my composure. Good grief! I giggled a bit on my way to the car, rolled my eyes and gave a big sigh. Oh Lord what is today going to be like.....
I worked just half a day today. I had requested time off so I could go to my 6 year old's end of the year talent show. The letter I received at home said the program would start at 1:30. I planned ahead and gave myself plenty of time to make the commute back home. On my way home I called the school. I was unaware of where the actual performance would be held. We are new to this school so I am pretty unfamiliar with the surroundings. Each of my children go to a different Elementary. When I got in touch with someone they said his class had their show at 9:30 am! Ugh! I have missed so much since I started working. I was so excited to make it to his performance. Utter devastation filled my body. I went home, had a good cry and took a fantastic nap! My 6 year old came home none the wiser about me missing his show. He said it was really boring and he didn't mind that I had missed it. I know it was anything but boring. I really hope he was alright. I am still carrying a heavy heart. Kindergarten is almost over for him. Guess today's balancing act didn't pan out. I really need to get better at this.
I worked just half a day today. I had requested time off so I could go to my 6 year old's end of the year talent show. The letter I received at home said the program would start at 1:30. I planned ahead and gave myself plenty of time to make the commute back home. On my way home I called the school. I was unaware of where the actual performance would be held. We are new to this school so I am pretty unfamiliar with the surroundings. Each of my children go to a different Elementary. When I got in touch with someone they said his class had their show at 9:30 am! Ugh! I have missed so much since I started working. I was so excited to make it to his performance. Utter devastation filled my body. I went home, had a good cry and took a fantastic nap! My 6 year old came home none the wiser about me missing his show. He said it was really boring and he didn't mind that I had missed it. I know it was anything but boring. I really hope he was alright. I am still carrying a heavy heart. Kindergarten is almost over for him. Guess today's balancing act didn't pan out. I really need to get better at this.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
What happened to me?
This morning on my drive into work, my two year old decided that today he would take the opportunity to throw the worlds biggest fit. OK, yes I know it isn't a "decision" two year olds' are manic and they can loose all since of reason with a flip of a switch. His fit lasted 30 minutes. We did have a really nice 5 minutes together before I had to leave him with his teacher at daycare.
As he is having his melt down I am thinking to myself why, what did I do wrong? Why haven't I learned after the 3 previous to him to turn on that two year old selective hearing? Why haven't I learned by now to take control of these situations and get them under control before it gets to this point? I should be a pro at this by now. After 4 kids this two year old should be ready for military school, right? Maybe I am tired, have I given up? Have I finally teetered over to that side of insanity and this is the repercussion?
As he is having his melt down I am thinking to myself why, what did I do wrong? Why haven't I learned after the 3 previous to him to turn on that two year old selective hearing? Why haven't I learned by now to take control of these situations and get them under control before it gets to this point? I should be a pro at this by now. After 4 kids this two year old should be ready for military school, right? Maybe I am tired, have I given up? Have I finally teetered over to that side of insanity and this is the repercussion?
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Where is my head at!
I went shopping today at Target and get all the way out to the car, almost in the car and relize that I have carried out the Target basket with me! How embarassing! Life is so different these days for me that I just don't know where my head is. Ok here is a little secret....before things changed I still didn't know where my head was!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Multi uses for puppy piddle pads
Tonight I took my two year old, 6 year old and 9 year old over to grandpa's house. It was the spur of the moment trip. Grandpa lives about 45 minutes away so we had to run out the door to fit this trip into our nightly routine. Yeah I said routine, but if you have read my previous posts routine really doesn't exist right now. Life has been a bit hectic since desperate momma has gone back to work. Routine has gone right out that window. So tonight when I decided to load up three out of my four children and run to grandpa's it really didn't matter that I was disrupting the normal flow of our chaotic lives.In haste I completely forgot the diaper bag. What happens when you forget the diaper bag? MURPHY'S LAW happens! We get to my dad's and about 15 minutes into our visit my 9 year old yells,"Mommy he's poopy!" Now for some reason every time we go to grandpa's house my two year old makes a monumental mess out of himself! I guess it is his way of leaving grandpa a lasting present. So here we are out in the country without a diaper in site for miles. Thank goodness for Sophie, grandpa's new Pomeranian puppies' inability to hold herself! He had piddle pads ready to rescue me from a desperate trip to the grocery store! We took that piddle pad and wrapped it around his tiny little bottom and then proceeded to tape him up with packing tape. Nothing was going to get through this diaper! I don't think we have ever laughed so hard! When we returned home my two year old didn't waste anytime showing daddy his, "Puppy Diaper." I just love my two year old!!! I can't wait for him to start dating...oh the stories I am going to have to tell!
Addicted to blogging
I absolutly love this whole blogging idea. The person who thought that one up.....huh! I find myself through out the day thinking of ideas to capture my audience. I actually think it makes me a nicer person, haha! Wonder if my hubby thinks so.
Cat on fire
We have a new addition to our family. His name is Snickers. He is a long haired cat with a huge fluffy beautiful tail. Snickers is the neighborhood stray that has decided to take a permanent place in our home. It's really alright though, because he killed the mouse that had been terrorizing me for weeks! Within 3 days of his arrival he took care of that nasty little rodent. Snickers has a habit of getting on the counter and drinking out of the faucet. He loves running water. He loves it so much he will actually jump into the shower with you so he can catch a sip or few of fresh running water. This past weekend I bought a candle. Without thinking I lit the candle and placed it on the counter next to Snickers favorite watering hole. Not too long after the candle had been it, I started to smell a awful burning odor. It took me a moment to realize that Snickers tail was dangling right over the candle and his tail was just about to go up in smoke! I ran over to him and started to pat out his poor tail. I ran over to the sink and ran some water on it. He now has a big chunk of hair missing in the middle of his tail. Poor Snickers he is none the wiser. All he cared about was drinking out of that faucet! He did stay outside all night, hmmm he might have been a bit upet with me.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Lovely title huh! Well that is what I was thinking this morning at 6am when I was trying to get ready for work. Usually on a normal morning my two year old sleeps until I am just about ready to walk out the door. I wake him up just early enough to throw some clothes on him, stick a honey bun in his hand and rush both of us out the door. Not today! He woke up soon as my shower was over. I left the water on and put him in. As he played in the water I finished getting ready for work. Right as I was putting the finishing touches on my hair I hear, "Mommy, poop!" I turn around and to my horror the shower is covered in poo! I scrambled to clean the shower and my little boy. I took him out of the shower, wrapped a towel around him and finished cleaning up the shower. As I was finishing the shower I hear again, "Mommy, poop!" He had another blow out all over the tiles and up the door. It is just absolutly amazing how such a tiny little body can cause such complete and utter distruction. So my two year old is now on his third shower in 30 min! I had to clean up the tile, wall and door and the shower again! Note to self mandrin oranges bananas and milk make for not a good combo in two year olds tummies!
P.S. I made it to work on time!
P.S. I made it to work on time!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Balancing Act
I need to get one! For years it was no problem to keep the house cleaned, have dinner ready by 5, the kids bathed, books read and in bed by 8...ish. Since I have started working out of the home, my house is a pit, dinner is ready by 7, the kids are reading their own books and I am up until 11, packing lunches and setting clothes out for the next day. The laundry is just competely out of control and I am pretty much in a freak out state of mind. No matter how much planning ahead I do, I just can't seem to get caught up. Right now I feel like I am letting my family down as well as myself. I know it is going to take some time to adjust and get a routine. Soon as I walk into the the house I am rushing to get everything finished. Funny because it seems like as I walk in the door hubby hits the couch. So as I am flying through the house making dinner, picking up toys, going through backpacks, signing permission slips and behavior reports, trying to make the two year old happy for a moment and starting dinner, hubby is relaxing away. I love him dearly but hello! SOS!!! I need some help. I deserve a little relaxing time before midnight right? I know I live in the south but hello this aint the 50's!!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
The Perfect Laundry
First off, I can't stand laundry! If I had the extra money I would pay someone to do it for me! I can easily spend 12 hours a day doing laundry and there would still be a pile lingering in a kids room waiting to jump out at me and say, "Look what you didn't do!" I think the only thing that drives me to do it, (well other than nudity in public is just completely unacceptable) is the strive for the perfect smell. I haven't been happy with my detergent for a while. I change it like underwear. My poor family just itches their way through my journey in finding that perfect scent. I am open to anyone's advice. I am also accepting donations for one of those front end loading sets hahaha!!!
Why am I desperate?
My husband asked me why I would lable myself as Desperate. . I am desperate to find balance in my life, I'm a Libra so it comes with the territory. I'm desperate to figure out what happened to my sweet, innocent, baby boy that turned into this two year old who has given up his halo and wings for a set of horns! I am desperate to find that Passi Fairy and tell her to take this 2 year old with her until he is completely ready to give up that passie. I am desperate to start having date nights with my hubby again. I am desperate to loose this 20 pounds that I have been hanging onto for the better part of my adult life. I am desperate to pay less than $3 for gas again! I am desperate to find some way to completely finish laundry for 6 people! I am desperate to hear what you have to say! I started this blog to vent, to self reflect and to hear what others have to say about the day in day out drab of the world. Yes, you probably have guess it by now, I am a bit of a freak. I blame it on global warming!
Finding reliable childcare in today's world is to say the least a quest.
I think I'd rather pick at a hangnail. I have been on both sides of childcare so I now feel the pain that my perspective parents felt when they were searching for childcare or just forking over the cash to pay for it! Dang it is so expensive! Now the $$ is the least of my concerns of course but it does add a little salt to the wound. My quest for childcare first lead me to a place that was actually highly recommended by our States DHS site. I found it to be dark, smelly and the areas for play to be very limited. Really the deal breaker for me is when the director asked me, "So how old is it?" My quest then lead me to the Internet where I searched facility upon facility. I thought I might try one of those chains that offered the web cam and a brighter newer facility. Upon further investigation I found they had been sited for having a teacher under the influence of an illegal substance. options are beginning to dwindle down at this point. I did finally find a great place. My two year old seems to be adapting each day. I can now sneak out of the room without having to have him pried off my leg. My only complaint is he's a little dirty when I pick him up. Should I be complaining? They feed him good food, he takes great naps, his teachers give him lots of affection but his face is dirty!When I ran my daycare that was a huge deal for me. My kiddos never left me dirty! Am I being a freak?
I think I'd rather pick at a hangnail. I have been on both sides of childcare so I now feel the pain that my perspective parents felt when they were searching for childcare or just forking over the cash to pay for it! Dang it is so expensive! Now the $$ is the least of my concerns of course but it does add a little salt to the wound. My quest for childcare first lead me to a place that was actually highly recommended by our States DHS site. I found it to be dark, smelly and the areas for play to be very limited. Really the deal breaker for me is when the director asked me, "So how old is it?" My quest then lead me to the Internet where I searched facility upon facility. I thought I might try one of those chains that offered the web cam and a brighter newer facility. Upon further investigation I found they had been sited for having a teacher under the influence of an illegal substance. options are beginning to dwindle down at this point. I did finally find a great place. My two year old seems to be adapting each day. I can now sneak out of the room without having to have him pried off my leg. My only complaint is he's a little dirty when I pick him up. Should I be complaining? They feed him good food, he takes great naps, his teachers give him lots of affection but his face is dirty!When I ran my daycare that was a huge deal for me. My kiddos never left me dirty! Am I being a freak?
Connie gets a job!
After 9 years of being a stay at home mom I am back out in the work force! I have slowly started to rebuild my bleach stained wardrobe for the more professional bleach free attire. I think my new job is going to help me rebuild my mental frame of mind as well!
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